January 14, 2022
“Our safety is at jeopardy and it is beyond negligent to move forward with adding so many new residences without another exit out of our neighborhood.”
“I am very concerned about how the existing infrastructure will support the added population, especially the seniors living in the new Junipers project.”
“The City of San Diego has effectively made all of us feel unsafe, unwelcome, and unwanted in our own homes.”
This is just a sampling of comments from concerned residents living in northeast Rancho Peñasquitos in response to a community survey conducted by the PQ-NE Action Group that asked for opinions regarding the impact of The Junipers, to be built on the former Doubletree Golf Course. The project features a total of 536 housing units as “infill development” in a corner of northeast Rancho Peñasquitos that, in the past two years, has already seen a substantial increase in housing density from hundreds of apartments, townhomes and houses permitted by the City of San Diego. The nonprofit has sued to fight The Junipers to mitigate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and community plan issues before the controversial project can continue to move forward. According to PQ-NE Action Group President Stephan Haight, “We are compelled to sue over concerns about community safety and the lack of infrastructure development, given the level of additional housing being added by these projects.”
Access the survey results below:
#SavePQ #PQDevelopment